Release Notes - September 2024

Pay on Check-Check-in or out

We have added the ability to make a payment from the Check-in screen. The Check-in button has been enlarged and users will also see an options menu which contains a 'pay now' option if the booking has an outstanding balance. The same option is available on the Check-out and inhouse lists.

Invoice status icon

A coloured $ sign icon beside the Check-in button has been added. This will show the current status of the invoice:

  • Green for paid
  • Red for unpaid

Owner portal maximum booking date 

A new setting in the Branding area in company setup. The maximum booking date field allows users to limit how far out in advance owners can make a booking via the owner portal. This setting does not affect bookings made by the business owner/user.

Xero Issue date

Improved our integration with Xero. Users can now set the invoice issue date as a function of Check-in date. Eg. 10 days before Check-in. This feature is in the invoicing section of company details.